Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Activity 6 - Producing Zombies are Real and a Self-Evaluation

My current leadership activity is an on going endeavour. With plans for moving up to New York City in the New Year, I am slowly winding down all my commitments within Orlando. This is perhaps one of the harder sides to leadership – leading others to take over your position. 

With my final project with IFS, I am producing a film entitled “Zombies are Real”. Being the first horror film I’ve produced it has a lot of firsts in terms of learning how to manage special makeup effects and scheduling and budgeting for them. I am also training a new management team for IFS to take over once I finally leave. Instead of just leading, I am reminding myself constantly to explain what I am doing to the people who are taking notes behind me. As odd as it may sound however, this is helping me in my leadership style also. It prompts me to question why I do things and perhaps find more efficient or effective ways to undertake something. 

We are still early on in production, however I have already learnt so much that I felt this activity outshines other recent endeavours I have undertaken. Much like our assignment in Month 1 of the program was to analyse ourselves, I am finding this production will be more a reflection on my entire experience at Full Sail than the production of a short movie. I am excited to see where it leads me…

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