Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Activity 1- Running the International Film Society

I, along with three other international film students, founded the International Film Society in 2008. The concept was to create a democratic student production company comprised of people from all walks of life. Throughout it’s existence, IFS has thrived as an organisation with tremendous contacts within the Full Sail filmmaking community. As a co-leader throughout 2008 and 2009 I assumed a sole leadership position in 2010 as the other older members left through graduation.

As of November 2011, IFS has around 70 members and we produce projects consistently month after month. My experience at IFS has been invaluable. It has allowed me to produce numerous projects and meet hundreds of interesting people. If I could chose one benefit that IFS has had on my career, it would be the contacts that I have made that will serve me throughout my professional life.

I am currently in the process of handing leadership of IFS over to a new generation of students at Full Sail; this is posing its own challenges and lessons to learn from. I discuss them in more detail in activity 6.

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