Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Activity 3 - Producing Coffee and Apple Pie

Coffee and Apple Pie is the largest production I’ve ever produced. With a crew of 45 and a budget of $2000, I learnt an extensive amount on this production. A friend of mine wrote it and I was given the opportunity to produce the piece. To begin I negotiated with Full Sail and they donated 35mm film and equipment for the production. This is a huge deal as 35mm is expensive to both shoot on and develop. Secondly, we held two fundraising bake sales in which we raised $735 in two days. For myself this was a huge achievement, as a large amount of the money was raised at the end of the first day because I went to the different departments around Full Sail and sold person to person within the offices. I followed this up with Thank You notes to the different departments so as to show our gratitude.

Production itself took 2 weeks with 4 shoot days spread out across them. We built a set that was lit to perfection and we are currently in the editing process at the moment. I am excited for this film to be completed so that I can begin shopping it around to different film festivals.

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